Do you know that 60% of businesses say that inaccurate data costs them hefty bucks each year? This is understandable because inaccurate data causes inaccurate decision-making, which might lead to losses. Therefore, you need to manage these data better. In addition to data visualization and analysis, Power BI also offers a robust data management system to its users. In this blog, we will discuss how Power BI consulting service providers can help you manage your data better. 

Let’s start by understanding the need or the importance of data management in Power BI consultation.  

Importance of data management in Power BI consulting service 

Importance of data management in Power BI consulting service

Here are various benefits of  Power BI consulting services. However, data management is one of the most important among the services. Data is the building block of Microsoft Power BI consulting services. Based on the data you can create dashboards, and reports, and generate useful insights. So, managing that database becomes one of the most important tasks. By managing data you can have accurate insights to make better decisions and avoid losses. 

The following are a few things that make data management efficient: 

Ensuring data quality 

Data analysis depends on the quality of your dataset. By quality, we mean the accuracy and consistency of the data. It’s like sourcing the right and quality raw material for your product. If the raw material lacks quality, you can say bye-bye to the hope of producing a good quality product and gain profit from it. 

Smooth data source integration 

Imagine you want to create some amazing cookies to display in your bakery. But, you have misplaced salt and sugar containers. We will leave the image of the disaster that will be happening. The same is the case with data. If your data is misplaced data source or doesn’t integrate the right source, your decision-making will not be smooth like butter. Thus, integrating the right source with data management is a crucial step in data consulting services. 

Efficient data transformation 

Often, the data sets have incomplete or messed up data arrangements. If left as it is, the data set can create confusing results, even leading to loss-making decisions. 

Enhance data security 

Data is a sensitive asset. Therefore, you need to ensure that it’s safeguarded and only people you want can access it. Data management allows you to set up data governance and security. 

Step-by-step process to manage data in Power BI 

Step-by-step process to manage data in Power BI

Following are a few standard steps any Microsoft Power BI consultant services for data management: 

Identify useful data sources 

Any star product depends on the raw materials used in production. Likewise, an efficient Power BI consultation service for data visualization depends on the data quality. In simpler words, the types of data you use are related to the quality of the insights. Say, you want to know the area-wise sales quota you have achieved this year. However, you don’t have the necessary data sheet to showcase the areas you operate in. As you can expect, no such chart will be made. 

Firstly, you need to define the goals and KPIs you want to track using MS Power BI consulting services in the US. Following this, your consultant will help you identify the right data source to create those charts. A few popular data sources are internal Excel sheets or external sources like Ad Analytics and more. You need to identify what variable is required from the data sources for efficient setup. 

Integrate data sources in Power BI 

Now that you know where to source your data, it’s time to connect the sources. It will help if you keep all your necessary files in a single room or cabinet rather than scattering them in the office. Similarly, it will be helpful if all your data sources are present in place rather than going to each source manually. Therefore, through Microsoft Power BI constant services you can connect diverse data sources in Power BI ‘get data’. It creates a data warehouse synced with your data sources. It updates the data automatically after the right setup. 

Transform data into a useful data set 

Once you have your data sources connected, it’s time to make them more useful. Most of the data sources, especially from the third party source, are in set format. They have filler and unorganized data. It can hinder your process or using that data effectively. Therefore, to ensure that your charts and insights are accurate the Power BI consulting service provider will transform and clean the data using various tools. 

Perform data modeling 

When we create a strategy, we often create a rough flow for clear understanding and identifying any flow. Similarly, when you want to create dashboards using the data sets, you need to create a flow for data. It helps you define the source and method to extract the necessary data from it. With data modeling, you can set up a robust system for data dashboards and reports. It is one of the most crucial steps in data management as any mistake in defining relationships of data sources and result in inaccurate data extraction. Ultimately, it will impact the displayed results and lead to wrong decision-making. So, this step requires more time and consideration than the others for data management. 

Create a visual dashboard of the data 

Okay, so you have your sources connected for updated data and also data sets to extract data. Now what? Well, it’s time to put all of it together to achieve our goal: visualization of data. Power BI offers diverse charts and widgets to help you create some amazing visual dashboards for your desired KPIs. 

When you select the chart types or widget you’ll be asked to extract the data from the data source using the data flow you have defined. Thus, with only a few clicks you’ll be able to create the dashboard you desire. Whether it’s live location, animation, or other style, Power BI consulting services company can help you create a dashboard that gives you a 360-degree view of your business. 

Establish data security protocols 

Data is the most precious asset for any business. Therefore a reliable  Power BI consulting company in the USA or any country will offer you data governance and security services. It starts with establishing the policies for data sources connected and leads to establishing role-based access to data sources in Power BI. So, the user or account admin knows who has access to data and gets information about any unauthorized activity quickly. 

Optimizing Power BI performance 

The global data management market is set to reach $130 Billion in 2025. So, there will be a boost in techniques and tools to manage the data. Therefore, you need a Power BI consulting service provider that can provide consistent optimizing service. With optimization, you can scale your Power BI solution to process large sets of data effortlessly. With advancing technology, the Power BI consultant, like Squillion Tech, ensures that you can embrace the change and stay ahead of your competition. 

These were the steps to manage your data well with Microsoft Power BI dashboard development and consulting services offered by a skilled Power BI consultant. 

How does Squillion Tech help you in managing data efficiently?

Squillion Tech is among the top companies offering the best  Power BI consulting service. We are certified partners of Power BI for offering Power BI consulting services to help businesses of all sizes adopt Power BI and manage their data. Our team consists of Microsoft-certified Power BI developers working on creating an effective Power BI solution for you. We believe that every business needs data management to make data-backed decisions and thrive in the market. We offer a robust Power BI consulting service for organizations of any size and type with transparent pricing. Following is the process we follow to help you set up a robust Power BI system for data management to get valuable data insights and visualization. 

  • Through discussion about the project and KPIs 
  • Identifying the right data sources 
  • Integrating data sources and transforming data 
  • Perform data modeling to extract the necessary data 
  • Setup data security and governance protocols 
  • Create useful data dashboards and reports 
  • Training your team to ensure error-free data management 
  • Optimizing the data management setup as per industry standards 

So, do you want assistance in incorporating Power BI for data management and visualization?  Let’s talk, the first consultation is free! 


Data is crucial for business. The right understanding of data can make the next campaign super successful. However, when you have diverse sources of data like sales, digital marketing, administration, and more, data management and analysis become tricky. That’s where Power BI comes into play. With Power BI consulting solution you can easily integrate your desired data sources to extract the necessary data when needed. 

With data transformation, you can clean the data from the data sources to create useful data sets using data modeling. You can use this dataset to create diverse data dashboards and reports to access useful data insights to make better decisions. Squillion Tech is a certified partner of Microsoft Power BI to provide Power BI consulting services to businesses of any size. Be data-smart to make your business thrive with Power BI!